slideshow the girls

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Best friend

Fina (right) and her sister Rubi

Don't know what to say at this point but about a week or so ago I found out that my friend was going to move back to California. I know that it's something that she has to do at this point. She needs to do what her heart tells her. My deal is trying to deal with the fact that my friend is leaving me. I know that it's only for a short time but still we have gotten very close the last couple of months. She actually works with me at Target her name is Fina. She's a wonderful person inside and out. She isn't like most people that judge you. She accepts you for who you are.

Here's a poem that I found

A Best Friend from Renee Duvall
A Best friend is always there, whether you need advice, or a pep talk, or even a shoulder to cry on.
A Best friend listens with her heart and is always honest with you, even though the truth may not be what you want to hear.
A Best Friend knows all your secrets, understands your fears shares your dreams.
A Best friend never stops believing in you even if you give up on yourself. You are that kind of friend to me. And no matter what happens, you always will be. You are my best friend..... my forever friend.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Miranda's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday too you, Happy Birthday too you, Happy Birthday dear Miranda happy birthday too you! First, of all I would like to thank everyone that made this party possible if it wasn't for you all - Mom, Michelle and Fermin...... 2nd of all thanks everyone that attended the party for the gifts and making this as memorable. Miranda had a great time with all her sister, cousins and her little friends. The had brisquet with all the trims, cake and then jumped on the moon walk. The cake was very good, it was from Norma's Cake in Alvin.

Bryton the neighborMe and Joe
Me and my nephew Matthew
Miranda being daring to climb up thru the slide
The girls having some fun

Look at the girls, wait watch out ther comes Abbie

Monday, February 22, 2010


Well, what can I say about February, but that it came and went very fast. My sister decided to move back the last week of January. Do I miss her? Yes, I do but I think it was for the best that she went back. She went and came every weekend. I was worried about her safety on the road. I know that sometimes we wouldn't get along. But, what every sister argues about dumb and stupid shit. I really wish she could of stayed forever but I know that that can't happen because we have our own lifes. It was really nice to spend some time with my nephew ( Matt) I haven't seen him since probably 2008-Dec. I can't believe how grown up he has gotten. I still remember when I took care of him for a whole week when he was about 2mths. and look at him know he's going to be 18 yrs old. Man how time flies! Matthew I know I don't call you as much but I really want you to know that I love you very much and that I miss you dearly. I practically raised you, well at least until your were like 8 yrs old.

Had to find a babysitter for Miranda...... How did that turn out? Well, very well I asked my neighbor down the road. And she is really great with her.

Abbie, Happy Birthday (02/05/2010) I wish I was able to spend sometime with you on your birthday but under the circumstances I couldn't. I hope that you understand. We miss you very much and love you dearly. I just wished that you could of stayed here to finish off the school year.
Grandma, Benny Happy Birthday too you!!!! You know I miss my grandmother very dearly. For some reason it's been very hard for me because she was a mother/grandmother to me and my grandkids. I just wish that she was around long enough to spend some time with them. I know that she still does in spirit. There is not a day that I don't think of you "Mother" especially when I drink coffee in the morning with a tortilla, or use the word the Idea is..... Since your birthday I've been praying a rosary. I want to be like you. Every chance you had you were praying. I'll never forget when I was going to an interview with the Blood Ctr. and I had to change in the car and what do you know but I forgot my shoes and had to borrow yours. It was funny because you had to wear my polo boots with your dress pants. Well, if it wasn't for you and your shoes I probably wouldn't of gotten that job. Know the only thing I need to do is know get my butt back to church. Anyway I love you very much and miss you very dearly.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kylee's 6th Birthday

Today we went to Kylee's birthday Party. The girls had lots of fun and so did Joe. Yes, he was skating .
Alia was helping Larissa out

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Devina's Birthday Party

Larissa was invited to Devina's (sister) Birthday Party at the Ice Skating ring. It was very COLD. I think it was like 32* outside so can you imagine inside. We froze our assess off because we didn't take heavy jackets, mittens, hat, etc. Anyway, besides that Larissa really enjoyed spending some time with her big sister.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It was snowing!!!!!

Today it snowed. It was very nice to bad it didn't snow enough to play in it. Well this morning I went to the Dr's office on Pinlock and they got tones of snow. My car was covered when I came out. Unfortunately I'm sick so i really couldn't enjoy it. Miranda was so excited she kept telling Abbie snow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thanksgiving was great we ate with my family first and then we went over to Joe's family and saw everyone. The girls had a great time playing with there cousin. Afterward we went to go and see my brother because we were going to leave in the morning (friday) I had to work on black friday. Unfortunately, our trip took to long on Thursday/Friday mid-morning Larissa woke and was vomiting all morning. Then we decided to leave around 9 or 10 am not even an hour on the road and Miranda throw up all over her self. We had to stop in Ca Allen to clean her up and by somethings. Anyway, regardlesss we had a great time spending it with family and friends.


Carving Pumkin's

Soccer game

