slideshow the girls

Monday, June 23, 2008

Larissa goes to VBS

Larissa went to VBS at The Church of Christ on Bay Area Blvd. Of course she went with Abbie. She was actually a BIG girl because she wasn't able to be with Abbie during VBS. The 2nd day I took her she cried for a little while but then was ok a few minutes later. Then did very well the rest of the week. My baby is growing so fast.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Libby LU for her Bday

We decided to take Larissa to Libby Lu for her Birthday. She wanted her friend Alexy to join her. They had so much fun! The fixed there hair first, put makup, painted there nails and this is what you got for the finish product. Of course her cousin Abbie did it as well. Then they got them to boggy to the Happy Birthday remix. Her friend Alexy gave her a special gift for her Bday and it was a cute little Barbie purse.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lupe Tortilla

We went to Lupe Tortilla today to meet some friends of ours. Kirsten Cole had flown in for the week. We drank a couple of Margarita's and eat some Mexican food. It was nice to catch up with some friends. Larissa of course had lots of fun with Logan. Kirsten and Logan used to live at Village of the Lakes when we lived there. And that's where our friendship began.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Larissa's 4th Birthday

Larissa celebrated her 4th Bday with her family and friends. She had a Princess Theme.

Princess Devina Mitchell
Princess Alexy Garza
Princess Kylee and Linden Burns
Princess Morgan Stickland
Prince Ben Garza

They did a craft and played some games Pass the wand, Pin the Princess in the Castle window and eat Ice cream with Bday Cake and had a moonwalk. Of course the grown up's probably had more fun in it.

We want to Thank everyone that help in celebrating Larissa's 4th Bday.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tummy time

Today was our lazy day. As you could tell we didn't do much. Put Miranda on Tummy time and of course Monkey see Monkey do.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moody Gardens

We took Larissa to Moody Gardens. You know Ive been to Moody Gardens several times and had never seeing this part.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We put Larissa in Tumblebus @ Monkey Around. Larissa really liked it. She loves anything that she can jump and make flips.


Carving Pumkin's

Soccer game

