slideshow the girls

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Playing Guitar Hero

Ok, as some of you know we got Guitar Hero for Christmas. So here are a couple of pictures of the Kids playing it. And yes I did say Kids. I've played a couple of times and of course when you first play you suck at it. With practice I've managed to move on from sucking to well ok.

Look at her go

Monkey SEE, Monkey DO

Yes, Miranda decided that she needed to show off as well. Trying to be like Big sister.

Beautiful day

Today it turned out to be a very nice day so we decided to take the girls outside to play and Joe worked on the much needed help yard.
Look doesn't she look so grown up in the chair. She will be 11mths on the 14th of Feb. already.

Me with my girls

Larissa finally got to ride her scooter that she got for Christmas

Look, Larissa was giving her little sister a ride on her Barbie Jeep. And no she wasn't afraid of it at all.

Look at the go

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Katelyn came over to play

Katelyn and Angelic came over for a while. The girls had lots of fun. Katelyn is my niece, she is Joe's sister's daughter. We see them seldomly like maybe once a month or so.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Acrosports Playdate with Mom and Tots

Today we me the Mom and Tots for a play date at Acrosports. Larissa loves this place..... Afterwards we went to Lupes and had some lunch and the kids had fun playing in the sand.

Maggie (9 mths), Irleand (7 mths) and Slade is (8 mths)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

larissa in Soccer, again

Ok, so we decided to sign larissa up for Soccer the 2nd time around. She really loves this sport and wants to play again. We are so excited because she is in something that she wants to do.

Other things on her list are:
Gymnastics- This is the 1st one on the list but we decided to hold of on it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kylee's 5th Birthday @ Pump it Up

Happy Birthday, Kylee!!!! Today we took the girls to Pump it up for Kylee's 5th Bday Party. The girls as well as the grown up had lots of fun and afterwards we had cake and ice cream.

Miranda (10mths), Irealand (7mths) Rylin (weeks old) and Sydnee (4mths)

Yes, you know what she was after, her pacifier

The grown men were having fun as well

Look at Joe go and it look like the girls were having fun.

Yes, that's me scared shitless

Look at my baby was trying to bounce as well

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Olive Garden

Today we met Kim Segelken and Heather Salinas at Olive Garden for lunch. We played catch up we hadn't seening anyone since before the holidays. Miranda loved the breadstick.

Miranda (10mths), Slade is (8mths) and Ireland(6mths)

The girls cleaning up

Ah, look at the girls there cleaning up. Larissa was teaching Miranda that you have to clean up after playing. It's never to early to teach them that they have to clean up when there done because, mommy will throw it in the trash if it left out. Poor Larissa had to learn the hard way. That is to cute!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miranda is 10 months

Ah, look at my baby feeding herself. Can you believe she turned 10 mths today. Yes, 10 mths. How time flies when your having fun.

At 10 mths she is already crawling on all fours and of course she still does the Army crawl. Has 4 teeth on the top and 2 on the bottom.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Devina's Birthday Party @ the Bowling Alley

We went to yes another Birthday party for Devina. This party was given to her by her mommy. Larissa had lots of fun bowling and she eat Pizza and Cake afterwards.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Devina's 6th Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Devina, Happy Birthday to you! Today was Devina's Birthday and it was held @ Chuck E Cheese. The girls had fun and of course eat plenty of pizza as well. Then afterwards we headed to David and Linda's for Cake, Ice cream and the kids hit the pinata afterwards.

Ah, look at Devina and baby sister with Chucky.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Years

Happy New Years from my family to yours. We didn't do much because I had to work New Year's Eve. But, I know this year will be a even better one. On the 2nd we celebrated our 5th Anniversary and our 11 yrs together. Man talk about a long time, huh! It's been great we have to beautiful girls that god had blessed us with. Anyway, this year I really need to lose a couple of pounds so I'm really going to try hard to succeed. And I promise to start blogging about us and not only my girls.

Look Miranda has a mouth full of teeth. Well 2 on the bottom, 2 on top and another 2 more coming out on top. She is doing very well eating table food know. Can you believe she is going to be a yr old in March, man how time fly's when your having fun.


Carving Pumkin's

Soccer game

