slideshow the girls

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Going back to work

Ok, so I'm not sure if everyone know but I went back to work @ Target. Don't ask me why I picked Target it's just that it worked with our schedule and don't have to pay someone to watch my kids. I work after 5pm and well, would get home really late. Well, lately I've been feeling down in the dumps because since I started working I haven't spent any time with my kids, husband, etc. and it reallly sucks. Both of my girls were sick and I wasn't there to nurse them the way I wanted to. Poor Joe had to do everything. He's such a great father, husband and friend. The other day I got an email on the little girl (Caylee) and it really bother's me because I don't know how anyone could hurt an innocent child. I see mine and I just want to cry because I keep think, why? Anyway, I'm so glad that the holidays are about over so I won't work as much and I could spend time with everyone. So sorry to go on but I had to. I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I hope that things settle down now that we are going into the New Year. Hang in there. You are a great mom.


Carving Pumkin's

Soccer game

