slideshow the girls

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's snowing in Houston, Texas

Tonight it started to snow. For months Larissa has been bugging me that she wanted to see snow and I told her one day we will go and visit uncle Desi and she can play in it. You should of seeing her little face when she saw snow, she was all excited. It's like if she knew because like I said she kept saying that she wants to see snow. Today when we were driving home from school my poor baby didn't feel well. But, she kept asking me mom is it going to snow again, why did it melt, etc.

As for Christmas well she is already counting down her days. At school they gave her paper links and everyday she needs to tear on link of until she gets to the end. Once she gets to the end it's Christmas. She loves school, she says mom I learned a new song today. She is learning her colors, We wish you a merry Xmas, I love jesus, her months all in songs. That is to cute!

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