slideshow the girls

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday 1st Miranda

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Miranda, Happy Birthday to you! Today we celebrated my baby's 1 st birthday. I can't believe how time flys. First of all I would like to Thank everyone in joining us celebrate Miranda's 1st Birthday.

  • Thanks to Melida and Bobby Munoz for all the food you provided. As well, as the Padrinos Marissa and Fermin Munoz (The cake).
  • Thank You Mom, Michelle and the kids for joining us in the celebration. I know you only drove 4 hrs but the point is you were here and it really ment alot to me.

  • Thanks to everyone that came to help us celebrate Miranda's Birthday.

The party was great considering it was raining all day and was very cold.

The Padrinos Marissa and Fermin Munoz

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