slideshow the girls

Monday, March 16, 2009

Miranda's 1 yr check up

Today we took Miranda for her 1 year check up. Well, Dr. Polsik said that she was doing great her weight was at her 50% and her height was not where she wanted her to be. She was only at about 25 %. Anyway, she said she was concern about her height because she hadn't grown any since the last time with were there which was at 9 mths. So, I told her well my mom is not even 5 ft and that Jody (Joe's dad) was very short as well. She said well maybe that's what it is maybe she's going to be a short person. The she asked me if she was walking and I told her no not yet. She's walk if you hold on to her but hasn't taken off by herself yet. So the she suggested I should try Physical Therapy. I told her no that I would prefer to wait a little while. Of course she got some shots and they drew some blood. So by the time we left she wasn't a happy camper. Other thank that she is doing well with her milestones.

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